Friday, February 4, 2011

Preparation for next leg of the journey

The next leg of the journey is about to begin, and we're both in high states of excitement as we look forward to the adventure of new countries, new cities and new ports. Right now the final preparation has us into the minutia of travel: choosing the correct plugs and adaptors for our various pieces of electronic comforts (Kindle, computer, telephone, camera, shavers etc); remembering rain gear and appropriate cover-wear for entering temples and shrines; ensuring we have the right pharmaceuticals which would be complex to replace in countries where we don't speak the language; and all the ditsy minutia which takes on more importance once the grand plans are in place.

I've made a promise to a few friends that on this leg of the journey I will try to have the blog contain not only data, but thoughts and emotions as well. It's been hard for me (and my editor) to define our 'audience' and write to that audience with the right balance of content. But I'll try to to provide that balance. We'll see how it goes.

For those who love maps and charting courses, our ship's itinerary can be found at:

But in addition we are tacking on days at both the onset and the conclusion of the itinerary to catch our breath at the beginning in Bangkok, and to de-compress at the end in Beijing. The only parts I'm dreading at this point are the 25+ hour plane rides at both ends. For those of us who don't sleep on airplanes these are long slogs. But there's no other way except if we had done what daddy and Walter did which was to start at the beginning and keep moving until the end.

And THAT was not going to happen.

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